Kevin H. Adams: 2017 Artist in Residency @ Shenandoah National Park

Two links: one to the press release from the Shenandoah National Park, and one of the first articles about my residency.

Along the Trail: Dark Hollow Falls 24 X 30 

Along the Trail: Dark Hollow Falls 24 X 30 

Two Heirloom 9 X 12 oil on panel

I know I haven't posted on "At my Easel" in a while: sorry! I have had two paintings chosen for the historic Black & White Show at the Salmagundi Club. The first show was held in 1878. Just wanted to share them with you. The show runs thru 2 March, 2017.,%20kevin,%20two_heirloom,%209x12,%20oil,%20900.jpg



Grey Day 11" X 14"

We had a great week of hiking and painting while in Maine this Summer. This is only one of the dozen paintings that I started on that trip, and now finished in the studio.

"Four Times of Day" each 12" X 12"

I have now been home for a little over a month from our trip to Cuba. I am starting to finish the first set of paintings from that trip, and just had to share what I am doing. Having wanted to go, and now having  gone twice to Cuba; this work is as much about my memory about how I felt while there, as it is about what I saw. These four paintings are the view from our apartment while in Havana on our last trip. I think they will be framed individually, but wanted to show them here together. 

CUBA: The Malecon

Having just returned from my second visit to Cuba, I am overwhelmed with memories of colors and textures, and the the vitality of the Cuban Culture! I feel the work that I accomplish from this trip, needs to convey as much the spirit of the people as it does the colors and textures of what I saw. I have only been back in my studio for two days, but I needed to share one of the paintings that I have started in this new Cuban series. This is: The Malecon, 24 X 36 oil

"Along the Trail II" 24 X 36 oil on canvas

On my last hike, I was reminded how much the colors, textures, and patterns of nature speak to me. This is from my last hike up in Shenandoah National Park a few weeks ago. This painting isn't finished, but I think it already is saying some of the things that I wanted to share about nature and all that it is about!

"Hazy Eastern Shore" 24 X 30 oil on canvas

I was just over visiting my mom for a short visit, and we went for a drive. It was foggy and damp, and I loved all of the muted colors. This is from sketches from on that drive. You can see this and other available work at: